Announcing the Filecoin nv22 Dragon Upgrade: A Leap Forward in Network Efficiency and Flexibility

After several months of planning and iteration, Filecoin nv22 Dragon upgrade has launched on mainnet, a pivotal development in the network's progression. This upgrade marks a notable transition as it's the first to occur under our new prescheduled upgrade structure.

The nv22 Dragon upgrade introduces a suite of improvements and changes aimed at enhancing the network's efficiency, reliability, and user experience. Furthermore, this upgrade brings together a set of strategic enhancements to refine the network's operational dynamics. Notably, the upgrade enhances network security and integrity through the adoption of a more robust randomness source, improving the reliability and predictability of the network. Additionally, it introduces a shift towards manual deal settlement, providing Storage Providers with increased control and flexibility in managing deal payments. This change is instrumental in reducing the computational burden on the network, thereby enhancing its scalability.

Another significant improvement is the simplification of the data onboarding process. The introduction of a direct data onboarding mechanism eliminates the need for intermediaries, streamlining data storage and reducing operational complexity and gas costs. These enhancements collectively foster a more efficient, user-friendly, and scalable network.

Network upgrade stewards extend deep gratitude to the community for their adaptability and support, and to the engineering teams for their dedication and hard work in bringing this upgrade to fruition.

We invite our community members to continue to engage and contribute to the ongoing development of FIPs, and participate in the monthly community governance calls. Community involvement is crucial in shaping the future of Filecoin, and we look forward to collaborating with you on this journey of continuous innovation. For more information about this upgrade check out the nv22 planning thread.