Filecoin Foundation Digest

The Filecoin Ecosystem Digest is a digital magazine to showcase innovation unfolding across the ecosystem, published by Filecoin Foundation.

Editorial articles authored by individuals from the Filecoin ecosystem will dive into the challenges of our current internet infrastructure, explore experiences and learnings within the community, and share visions for how decentralization and decentralized storage are creating the foundation for a better web.

Cover of the Filecoin Ecosystem Digest showing a stylized globe with interconnected nodes representing a global network. The Filecoin logo appears at the top left, and the background has a gradient of soft blues, pinks, and oranges with light effects symbolizing data flow and connectivity.
Issue 1 - Sep 2024

The Inaugural Edition: All Systems Go

Featuring Guest Editor Jonathan Victor, Co-Founder, Ansa Research

Published in September 2024, the inaugural issue explores topics that impact the ecosystem –– from interplanetary resilience to AI-generated media and sustainable data centers. The Digest highlights the voices behind the technology being developed in the Filecoin network –– as we embark on a collective journey towards a decentralized future.

  • Issue 1Article 1

    Letter from the Guest Editor

    Dear Readers, Welcome to the inaugural edition of The Filecoin Ecosystem Digest: All Systems Go - a journey into the transformative power of the decentralized web and its far-reaching implications across various fields.

    Jonathan Victor, Ansa Research
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  • Issue 1Article 2

    Storage is Just the Start: Three Focus Areas for the Filecoin Network in 2024

    Data storage and retrieval are core to how the Internet works. Today’s data infrastructure is dominated by Big Tech. But technologies like the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) and Filecoin re-architecture that centraliz

    Molly Mackinlay, FilOz
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  • Issue 1Article 3

    The Potential for Decentralized Technology To Rebuild Digital Trust

    In April 2024, a 30-second video featuring Bollywood star Aamir Khan circulated widely across the Indian internet. Khan was seen criticizing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for unfulfilled campaign promises and negl

    Sofia Yan, Numbers Protocol & Ryan Matthew, Technology Communications Consultant
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  • Issue 1Article 4

    Interplanetary Resilience

    The vision of Filecoin is of verifiably robust storage of data scaling to meet the needs of humanity over centuries. In order to achieve this vision we need to literally aim for the stars. We’re at a turning point in t

    Dietrich Ayala, Filecoin Foundation
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  • Issue 1Article 5

    Enterprise Storage Market Insights From the Field

    At DeStor, we are dedicated to revolutionizing decentralized storage solutions by seamlessly integrating them with enterprise applications. With over 50 years of combined experience in enterprise data storage, our team

    Mara McMahon, DeStor
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  • Issue 1Article 6

    From Participant to Organizer: How Community-Led Activities Drive Innovation in Decentralized Systems

    Harnessing the Power of Decentralized Ecosystems The strength of decentralized ecosystems lies in their broad participation and spirit of sharing. They are built on the diversity of thought and experience brought by the

    Irma Jiang, ND Labs
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  • Issue 1Article 7

    The Future of Data Lies at the Green Edge

    As we move into the era of digital autonomy, driven by machines and machine-generated data, we need to vastly improve the world’s capacity to manage and process data at a scale previously unimaginable. At Holon, we beli

    Heath Behncke, Holon Investments
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