Employee and Job Applicant Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 13, 2023

This employee Privacy Policy explains how Filecoin Foundation (collectively “Filecoin Foundation” “we” “us”) collects, uses, and discloses your personal information both online and offline. This Privacy Policy does not cover your use of Filecoin Foundation services in other contexts outside of your employment- or applicant-related activities with Filecoin Foundation. The Privacy Policy that applies to your use of Filecoin Foundation services in other contexts is located at fil.org/policy.


Depending on how you interact with us, we may collect the following categories of personal information, some of which may be considered sensitive personal information under applicable laws:

  • Identifiers: Including your real name, postal address, date and place of birth, job positions and titles, employee numbers, personal and work email addresses, home or wireless phone number, information about beneficiaries and dependents, and emergency contact details.
  • Government-issued identification numbers: Including social security number, driver’s license numbers, passport number, or national or state IDs.
  • Demographic information: Including race, gender, age, languages spoken, sexual orientation, veteran status, ethnic origin, or union membership.
  • Employment-related information: Including years of employment, work location, work records, vacations and absences, payroll and benefits information, performance-related data and evaluations, career history, work equipment eligibility information (e.g. immigration right-to-work, union membership status), and information needed for compliance and risk management such as disciplinary records, background checks, and compliance with required trainings.
  • Educational information: Including academic and professional qualifications, trainings, certificates, and licenses.
  • Geolocation information: Including information we infer from your device or network usage.
  • Internet or other electronic network activity: Including your access to Filecoin Foundation technology systems and equipment and access such as traffic generated on the internet, emails sent and received, information system access, and Filecoin Foundation device and application usage information.


In addition to the personal information we receive from you, we also receive the categories of personal information described above from other sources including from operating systems and platforms, social networks, and government entities.


We use your personal information and sensitive personal information in the course of your employment primarily to perform our duties and legal obligations as your employer. Filecoin Foundation uses your personal information for the following business purposes:

  • To administer the employment relationship, pay, and benefits: We use your personal information to perform onboarding and hiring tasks, to communicate with you, to process payments, and facilitate provision of benefits.
  • Development and training: We use personal information we collect to provide development training, education, and certification including performance reviews.
  • Emergency contacts: We collect and use personal information for emergencies.
  • Safety and security: We use your personal information to ensure the safety and security of Filecoin Foundation employees and customers.
  • As required by law: We also collect and use your personal information as required by applicable laws.

Filecoin Foundation does not use or disclose sensitive personal information beyond those purposes described above.


We will disclose your personal information and sensitive personal information in the following circumstances:

  • Affiliates & Related Entities: We may disclose your personal information and sensitive personal information between and among affiliates, subsidiaries, and related companies for employment purposes.
  • Filecoin Foundation Working Group Participants: Depending on your role, we may disclose personal information such as identifiers like real name and email with members of working groups in which Filecoin Foundation participates to facilitate employee workspaces and collaboration. For example, when you participate in a working group, we may disclose your name and role to other working group members.
  • Service Providers & Business Partners: We may disclose your personal information including identifiers, commercial information, electronic and network activity, geolocation, demographics, and government-issued identifiers to support a variety of business purposes. These business purposes include payroll services, benefits administration, IT services and web hosting, health and safety compliance, facilities management, email and postal delivery, and safety and security.
  • Business Transactions: If we become involved with a merger, reorganization, corporate transaction, or another situation involving the transfer of some or all of our business assets, we may disclose your personal information with business entities or people involved in the negotiation or transfer.
  • As Required By Law: We also collect and use your personal information as required by applicable laws, such as to administer a worker’s compensation claim or to share with employment regulators.
  • With Your Consent: We may also disclose personal information about you with other entities if you give us permission.

We do not sell employee or applicant personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration as defined by applicable law or share such personal information for purposes of cross-contextual behavioral advertising including personal information of individuals under the age of 16.


Personal information will be retained only for so long as reasonably necessary and proportionate for the purposes set out above in accordance with applicable law and based on the criteria set out in this Privacy Policy. We have in place commercially reasonable technological and procedural security measures in an attempt to protect and safeguard the security of the personal information. Despite these efforts, please understand that no system is perfect or can guarantee that unauthorized access or theft of data might not occur.


Depending on where you reside, you may be entitled to request access to, portability, correction, and deletion of your personal information.

  • Right to Know: You may have the right to know what personal information we have collected about you, including the categories of personal information, the categories of sources from which it is collected, the business or commercial purposes for collecting it, and the categories of third parties to whom we disclose it.
  • Right to Access & Data Portability: Subject to certain exceptions, you may have the right to request a copy of the personal information we collected about you.
  • Right to Correction and Deletion: You may have the right to request that we correct or delete personal information that we collected from you and retain subject to certain exceptions.

To exercise your access, portability, correction, and deletion rights, you may submit a request by e-mail at privacypolicy@fil.org or by leaving a message at (302) 440-4493. Once we receive your request, we may verify it by requesting information sufficient to confirm your identity.

Only you or a person authorized by you to act on your behalf may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information. If you would like to use an authorized agent to exercise your rights, we may request evidence that you have provided such agent with power of attorney or that the agent otherwise has valid written authority to submit requests to exercise rights on your behalf. We reserve the right to deny requests in certain circumstances such as where we have a reasonable belief that the request is fraudulent, where your identity cannot be confirmed, or where Filecoin Foundation must maintain your personal information consistent with applicable law.

Note that while some of the personal information that we collect about you may be considered sensitive personal information, we process such information for only those purposes detailed in this Privacy Notice and as authorized by law. For example, we might process your sensitive personal information in order to perform the services you would expect, such as to administer employee benefits and to evaluate job applications.


  • Do Not Track: Our systems do not at this time have the necessary programming to honor “Do Not Track” or “DNT” browser signals. Please return to this Privacy Policy in the future for further updates on this topic.
  • Shine the Light: California residents who provide certain personal information in connection with obtaining products or services for personal, family, or household use are entitled to request and obtain from us once a calendar year information about the customer information we disclosed, if any, with other businesses for their own direct marketing uses. If applicable, this information would include the categories of customer information and the names and addresses of those businesses with which we disclosed customer information for the immediately prior calendar year.


We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we make a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will update the Last Updated date on this notice.


If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or how we process personal information, please contact us by e-mail at privacypolicy@fil.org.