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In March 2023, GLIF began its rollout of the first Filecoin DeFi protocol to alleviate the capital inefficiencies on Filecoin between token holders and Storage Providers. Since then GLIF has become one of the fastest growing DeFi protocols in all of crypto, receiving venture investment from Multicoin Capital, Protocol Labs, Fintech Collective, Fenbushi Capital, and several others and amassing more than $100M USD in TVL within 6 months of launching. GLIF is the most popular DeFi protocol built on Filecoin.

Prior to launching the DeFi protocol, GLIF built the first web wallet for Filecoin’s Mainnet launch, the first multisig wallet used for Filecoin’s SAFT ICO distribution (which is still used to this day by Protocol Labs and Filecoin Foundation to manage payments), Filecoin node hosting infrastructure, which now handles millions requests per day, and several other critical apps and tools for Filecoin. The GLIF brand has built trust and a strong reputation within the Filecoin ecosystem since 2019.

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