
Filecoin Foundation 2024 Annual Report

Jan 13, 2025


As the Filecoin community looks toward 2025, Filecoin Foundation (FF) hopes to rally the Filecoin ecosystem around FF’s top-level ecosystem-facing objective: mobilizing the Filecoin community to make Filecoin work seamlessly and to find product-market fit. But first, we want to look back at 2024 and celebrate the achievements of Filecoin Foundation and the broader ecosystem, from network upgrades and infrastructure improvements to data onboarding partnerships, governance initiatives, and more. 

We’re proud to share our progress and grateful to continue supporting the Filecoin ecosystem throughout 2025.

What is Filecoin Foundation?

Filecoin Foundation’s mission is to preserve humanity’s most important information by facilitating the open source governance of the Filecoin network, funding research and development projects related to Filecoin and decentralized technologies, and supporting the growth of the Filecoin ecosystem and community. 

FF’s vision is to create a world in which Filecoin and related decentralized technologies preserve and protect our world’s history, empower users, and embed core civil liberties and human rights — such as free speech and privacy — into the fabric of the world’s technological infrastructure. We want to build a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for the future of the Web.

In 2017, the creators of Filecoin envisioned a governance body to serve as a long-term steward for the Filecoin network, modeled after other open source foundations such as the Mozilla and Linux Foundations. The Filecoin ecosystem is fully decentralized, and that means that FF does not lead or dictate the direction of the Filecoin ecosystem. Rather, like other open source governance bodies, FF’s goal is to bring together and empower the Filecoin community, including storage providers, data clients, token holders, developers, and other ecosystem participants. This includes facilitating the Filecoin network’s open source governance process, providing funding to teams building in the ecosystem, hosting events to convene ecosystem participants, and running critical security programs, as well as supporting the Filecoin ecosystem in other ways.

In this report, you’ll read about the ways that Filecoin Foundation supported the Filecoin community in 2024 and learn about FF’s strategic priorities in 2025. FF’s top ecosystem-facing objective in 2025 is to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product-market fit, but FF cannot dictate what the Filecoin community should do to pursue these objectives. Rather, FF’s strategic priorities in 2025 are about bringing the community together to achieve those goals. This includes driving a process to align the community on the most important actions to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product-market fit, supporting projects that will help accomplish those goals, and shifting towards playing a larger role in convening the Filecoin ecosystem to get the right people in the room talking about the right thing at the right time.

But before we dive into our plans for 2025, let’s take a look back at the achievements of Filecoin Foundation in 2024.

Ecosystem Funding: Supporting the Filecoin Community

Ecosystem support by the numbers:

  • 250+ teams supported through FF funding and grants 
  • 500+ teams supported through Filecoin-related hackathons
  • 8,800 teams building in the Filecoin ecosystem

RetroPGF Funding

Retroactive Public Goods Funding (RetroPGF) is a program that serves as an upgrade to Filecoin’s economic mechanisms to address a gap in funding. Filecoin RetroPGF seeks to fund contributions that have generated impact for Filecoin using Optimism-style retroactive public goods funding models. Filecoin Foundation provided funding to the RetroPGF fund, which dispensed funds to 197 projects in 2024.

Grants and Other Funding

Filecoin Foundation funds projects in the Filecoin ecosystem through a variety of mechanisms, including ecosystem collaborations, partnerships, contracts, and small- and large-scale grants. FF also provides funding for dozens of global hackathons, offers financial support to teams building protocol tooling, and pays bug bounties to secure the network. In addition, FF offers open grant funding to support new projects entering the ecosystem. 

FF Funding Highlights

Filecoin Foundation committed funding and continued to support the projects listed below in Fiscal Year 2024, which runs from October 2023 to September 2024. This is not an exhaustive list of projects funded by FF in FY24. 

Agregore P2P Web Tutorials: These easy-to-follow tutorials reduce the barrier to entry for building apps on P2P networks, including IPFS.

Algovera: AI Workflows/Assistants for Web3: This project is creating a platform for building, deploying, and monetizing AI workflows and assistants that interact with Web3 services such as IPFS. 

Ankr x Filecoin RPC Integration: Ankr is working to launch a public, load-balanced remote procedure call (RPC) for Filecoin to support developer growth. 

AutoNATv2 implementation for rust-libp2p: This project is implementing changes to keep rust-libp2p up-to-date with the current libp2p spec.  

Beryx Explorer: Beryx is a platform developed by Zondax that includes public historical data, streaming data, and metrics for the Filecoin blockchain.

Blockscout: Blockscout is a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM-based blockchains. The blockchain scanner offers faster indexing, comprehensive search features, and views for transactions, receipts, addresses, and metadata.

Decentralized Storage Alliance (DSA): A professional organization including global leaders from AMD, EY, Seagate, Supranational, Protocol Labs, and FF, DSA’s mission is to imagine a better path to decentralized data storage for enterprise organizations. 

Democracy’s Library: An Internet Archive initiative, Democracy’s Library, creates a free, open collectionof government data so that government research and publications from around the world remain permanently accessible to the public.

DMRV of Natural Capital: This project will develop a new method for valuing ecosystems based on the services they provide and the value of their natural capital stock, leveraging Filecoin for data storage. 

Edge + Filecoin: Edge is an open source, non-custodial, and privacy-focused wallet that integrates Filecoin. The wallet is available on iOS/Android and has multi-asset support, swap, and staking functionality. 

ES4D: To address the issue of excessive energy consumption and CO2 output in data centers, ES4D is a proof of concept for the Filecoin ecosystem to reduce data center e-waste and keep energy costs to a minimum. 

Filecoin DHT Metrics: This project supports weekly reporting for Filecoin's distributed hash table (DHT) network which includes several critical metrics, such as node geolocation, node uptime, node deployment (cloud vs non-cloud), and connectivity errors. 

Filecoin Green: FF supports projects linked to Filecoin Green through environmental grants designed to enhance sustainability across the network. 

Filecoin Incentive Design Labs (FIDL): FIDL is an organization that incentivizes good behavior and transparency in the Filecoin ecosystem through tooling, metrics, and dashboards for the Fil+ program. 

Filecoin MetaMask Wallet: This project integrates updates into the Filecoin MetaMask Wallet to enhance usability.

Filecoin Solidity Optimization: This project will make the Filecoin-Solidity library compatible with all types of optimizers, including Standard, YUL, and via-IR optimizers.

FileDAG: FileDAG is a distributed storage service built on the IPFS technology stack, focused on data management, reliability, availability, fault tolerance, and clustering storage nodes.

Filfox: The current project will update the Filfox explorer to showcase activity and interactions involving user-defined actors (native and EVM smart contracts). 

Forest: FF is the funder of ChainSafe’s work to maintain the Forest Filecoin implementation, a lightweight network client written in Rust. 

Freenet 2: Freenet 2 is a distributed, decentralized, key-value store in which keys are cryptographic contracts that determine what values are valid under that key. It is implemented in Rust on top of the libp2p library and will be available across all major operating systems, desktop, and mobile.

Funding the Commons – Akashic: Akashic is a digital archive and fundraising tool to permanently store, preserve, and organize memories, stories, and cultural knowledge of refugees and vulnerable populations using IPFS and Filecoin. 

Gelato: Gelato provides an oracle for general web API queries so that smart contracts can use off-chain data, a feature frequently requested by the community. 

Ghostdrive: Ghostdrive leverages the benefits of file encryption, decentralized storage, and asset tokenization using a multi-platform application. With IPFS and Filecoin, it provides an innovative and secure way to store, share, and enable data exchange markets. 

GLIF: FF supported multiple GLIF projects building interoperable apps and developer tools for the Filecoin network that offer healthier ways of storing and permissioning data. 

Hedgey Finance Developer: Hedgey provides a suite of onchain tools for responsible and efficient distribution of tokens from projects to their community. Hedgey will explore deploying its smart contracts onto Filecoin EVM and adding native Filecoin wallet connectivity. 

Incentivized RPC Pool: Lava enables ecosystems to consolidate multiple RPC endpoints into a single optimized endpoint. This project provides insights into latency, uptime, provider accuracy, and detailed usage metrics such as user geolocation, project activity, and frontend or backend usage trends for the Filecoin network. 

Internet Archive: Internet Archive has uploaded roughly 100,000 cultural artifacts to Filecoin –– from internet history to official public government datasets. As part of its work in the Filecoin ecosystem, Internet Archive has developed and refined methods for uploading data to decentralized storage consistently at scale.    

Improving Socio-technical Resilience in IPFS v2: This project investigates theoretical and applied models to enhance resilience for IPFS users to forge governance norms and processes that function well and investigate those that don’t.

Data Onboarding Metrics: The IPFS Force Community is developing critical metrics for Venus to provide operators with real-time insights into system health, enabling informed decisions without reliance on extensive logs or advanced dev-ops expertise. 

IPLD Prolly Trees: This group is standardizing B tree-based indexes in the IPLD ecosystem.

Lighthouse FVM Tooling: This project aims to make tools for developers to use FVM easily and build on Filecoin with the best developer experience. 

Lucky Solar: Lucky Strike Facility is a 1-million square foot former tobacco factory in North Carolina that’s being converted into a modern data center –– designed to be a green, environmentally sustainable facility space for Web3 infrastructure, and in particular, for Filecoin service providers.

Murmuration Labs: Mumuration Labs designs decentralized trust and safety tools that empower users to control their online experience, including content-related risk mitigation. 

OpenRegistry: OpenRegistry is a decentralized container registry fully compliant with OCI Distribution Specification. This project supports OpenRegistry adding IPFS storage to its backend.

Peerbit: Peerbit is a P2P database framework on top of the IPFS stack that lets developers build and maintain a distributed, private, searchable state across devices end-to-end.

PiKNiK: To help FVM developers test out storage deal workflows, PiKNiK will set up a Boost-enabled storage provider on Calibration testnet to auto-accept smaller storage deals advertised in Boost messages.

Regen Foundation - ReFi Chamas: This project supports ReFi initiatives for women and indigenous communities in East Africa in partnership with Regen Network, including real-world use cases of Filecoin empowering the climate-vulnerable population and the financially disenfranchised.

Renderhive: Renderhive is a trust-free, decentralized, self-governed marketplace that enables any owner of a CPU/GPU to offer available computation power. This platform uses IPFS, Filecoin, and Hedera’s DLT to establish trust among the participants of the network. 

Spark Eco: This project is focused on building an onchain market for Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) worldwide.  Starboard: FF is the largest funder of Starboard. Starboard’s Filecoin Network Health Dashboard provides in-depth network usage and growth statistics for governance support and protocol improvement. 

TRANSFER Data Trust: FF supports TRANSFER in building an artist-owned decentralized archive and cooperative value exchange network.

Twinquasar-Celeste: Twinquasar, in collaboration with Celeste, provides Filecoin storage providers and investors with green and cost-effective hosting offers. 

VenusHub: FF’s resources support master programs, hackathons, storage provider incubators, deal accelerators, and more to help drive Venus adoption and support storage providers in storing useful data on the network. 

Webrecorder: Webrecorder makes web archiving accessible, using IPFS and Filecoin to provide a foundation for decentralized web archiving. 

WEEECycle: By integrating GAIA’s backend systems with the Filecoin ecosystem, this project aims to create a framework for making the Filecoin network’s electronic waste disposal database available.  

Zondax: Zondax is a blockchain service provider that delivers services and software solutions for security, data indexing, integration, and protocol engineering. Zondax’s contributions to the Filecoin ecosystem include Beryx API, Filecoin signing tools, Filecoin Ledger App, Assembly script SDK for FVM, and Filecoin Gas.

3S Game Studio OU: The core purpose of this integration is to equip Unreal Engine developers with the tools necessary to incorporate FIL transactions and interactions directly into their games, without reliance on external wallets or third-party services.

Network Growth: Accelerating the Filecoin Network

Network Growth by the numbers: 

  • 5 marquee client wins and use cases secured
  • 10 AI-related integrations and partnerships established
  • 11 go-to-market strategies supported for ecosystem tooling and software providers 

Building Bridges with L1 Ecosystems

FF is building bridges with other Layer 1 (L1) ecosystems to enhance decentralization and resilience in the broader Web3 world.

Cardano: In collaboration with FF, Blockfrost integrated Filecoin as a robust backup layer for Blockfrost-built Cardano apps. Blockfrost will also introduce a new service tier for Cardano builders that includes IPFS and Filecoin storage. 

Solana: A collaboration driven by Triton One and DCENT, and supported by FF, archived Solana’s block history on Filecoin as part of the Old Faithful initiative to make Solana's ledger data accessible and content-addressable. 

Client Wins and New Use Cases

2024 marked a year of significant adoption for Filecoin across diverse sectors, demonstrating the network's versatility in handling critical data storage needs for both established institutions and emerging platforms.

ATLAS Experiment at CERN: The ATLAS Experiment at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is working with Seal Storage to expand its pilot program to bring 1 EiB of data onto the network over a 5-year period. FF has been working with Seal Storage on this opportunity. A generative AI platform for architects looking to protect, share, and monetize their data, Hauska is using Filecoin to change the way they store large architectural files. FF has been collaborating with Hauska to ensure their data is stored on the network.  

Hippocrat: A blockchain-based healthcare project in South Korea that aims to improve health management methods and promote data-driven healthcare is storing verifiable healthcare data on Filecoin. FF catalyzed this opportunity and collaboration to showcase the potential for healthcare data on Filecoin. 

Holon: Holon is bringing key real estate use casesfor decentralized storage to market, including European REIT applications, while also expanding into the UAE. FF has supported Holon’s partnerships with the Web3 & AI Festival, Magma, and Arclive to help bring commercial real estate use cases to market.

Intutzi: A location data-based data intelligence tool, Intutzi, selected Filecoin over traditional public cloud options to take greater control of its data. FF collaborated with Destor and Akave to amplify the win and to pursue a strategic roadmap to build more advanced integrations for Web2 clients.   

Connecting AI Companies to Filecoin

In 2024, FF announced 8 collaborations with prominent AI organizations, underscoring the Filecoin network’s pivotal role as the DePIN backbone for advancements in AI.

Aethir: A decentralized GPU cloud computing platform, Aethir, is storing data on Filecoin to ensure transparency, accountability, and robust audit trails for AI model governance. 

Bagel: Bagel is an AI and cryptography research lab that is enabling AI developers to train and store their models using Filecoin’s compute and storage power. 

Decentralized AI Society (DAIS): With FF as a founding member, DAIS launched to promote the development of an open, decentralized, and secure internet in the age of artificial intelligence.

KiteAI: As a foundational AI layer unlocking access to AI assets, KiteAI is working with FF to enhance data management for AI training. KiteAI will archive AI training datasets on Filecoin and integrate IPFS as part of its provenance layer.

Nuklai: Nuklai is a collaborative data marketplace and infrastructure provider for data ecosystems which integrated Filecoin to make its metadata publicly accessible.

SingularityNET: A leading AI platform developer, SingularityNET, is storing metadata on Filecoin. The collaboration with FF will also integrate the Filecoin tech stack to support archival data needs. 

Theoriq: An AI base layer platform, Theoriq, is developing a series of AI agents trained on data stored on Filecoin, making open data more accessible and usable. 

Ungate AI: Ungate is a composable AI network built on EigenLayer, designed to revolutionize resource coordination across networks.

Advanced Ecosystem Tooling

Filecoin Foundation’s network growth team worked with many ecosystem projects to support go-to-market strategy and targeted testing programs to grow tools and platforms. These efforts resulted in substantial increases in data storage commitments, user adoption, and platform engagement. In addition, FF financially supported the following teams: 

Akave: In a single quarter, Akave demonstrated remarkable growth by building a qualified deal pipeline of 10 clients, representing over 10 PiBs of paid storage commitment. FF supported Akave with grant funding to facilitate data onboarding.

Ansa Research: Ansa focuses on growing the Filecoin ecosystem through education and research. FF provided Ansa with funding for research. 

Bagel: Through the MinerX testing program, Bagel successfully validated their platform with 4 storage providers who completed rigorous testing and subsequently became official platform users. FF supported Bagel through scaled network testing for data storage and compute services on Filecoin.

Curio: The MinerX program facilitated comprehensive testing of Curio with 10 storage providers, all of whom transitioned to become active platform users after providing valuable feedback for future development. FF supported Curio through scaled network testing for its initial storage provider launch.

DeStor: DeStor achieved significant market traction by building a 14.5 PiB qualified storage pipeline and successfully onboarding 3.2 PiBs of paid data storage in just one quarter. FF supported DeStor with funding for data onboarding pipeline expansion.

Lighthouse Storage: Lighthouse Storage's API solution demonstrated strong market validation by successfully onboarding major clients, including Aethir, Nuklai, SingularityNet, Blockfrost, and Ungate AI. FF supported Lighthouse with funding to build out more capabilities to service its Web3 client base.

Theoriq: FF offered go-to-market support for AI agents powered by Filecoin network data to showcase Filecoin’s utility. 

VenusHub: VenusHub achieved substantial scale in the ecosystem, growing to support over 80 nodes and managing 40 PiBs of network data. FF supported VenusHub with funding for continued growth of their community’s data storage initiatives.  

Governance: Facilitating Open Source Decision-making

Governance by the numbers: 

  • 3 network upgrades 
  • 11 total FIPs accepted in upgrades
  • 41 FIP discussions facilitated 

As an open source project, the Filecoin network is governed in a transparent, community-driven way, in line with open source ideals. FF facilitates an open source governance process by hosting open forums and soliciting feedback from the community to advance core protocol upgrades.

In collaboration with the Lotus, Venus, and Forest implementation teams, FF enacted a planned upgrade schedule in 2024 to align with FF’s commitment to transparency and active participation in governance. This year, three major network upgrades were deployed to mainnet: v22 (Dragon), v23 (Waffle), and v24 (Tuk Tuk). 

In September, the FF Governance team launched GovHub to make participating in the governance of the Filecoin network more accessible. GovHub hosts PowerVote, an onchain voting tool that is still in development, and Fil Poll, an off-chain non-binding polling tool for gathering opinions on early ideas and community proposals. New governance tools tailored for the Filecoin protocol facilitated meaningful community discussions, enabled votes on critical proposals, and kept members informed about the latest network developments.

Filecoin Plus: Scaling Network Utilization

Fil+ by the numbers: 

  • 66 active allocators
  • 864+ PiB of DataCap distributed  
  • 3,855 clients served

FF facilitates the Filecoin Plus (Fil+) program, which aims to increase the amount of useful data stored on the Filecoin network. 

Allocators play a key role in the Fil+ program by verifying and onboarding real client data to the Filecoin network. Their primary responsibility is distributing DataCap to clients.

DataCap is a network resource used in deals to incentivize Filecoin storage actors that are facilitating value-additive activities to the network, such as providing hardware capacity, providing data storage, or providing retrieval of stored data. Clients can use DataCap to pay storage providers as part of a storage deal, which increases a storage provider’s probability of earning block rewards. This year, over 860 PiBs of DataCap have been distributed to 66 allocators, serving 984 clients with active deals. 

Clients can request DataCap from allocators, each of whom has their own application process. FF recently added an allocator registry to the Fil+ web page to help data clients connect with prospective allocators. 

FF’s request for new allocator pathways helps the Filecoin community develop and run novel meta-pathways. This program resulted in 86 pathways joining the program in Q1 of 2024, which promotes faster allocation of DataCap to clients. Each pathway receives an individual audit to ensure compliant storage deals between the allocators, storage providers, and clients, contributing to a growing, healthy storage marketplace. 

The Fil+ governance process now includes a full account of the DataCap distributed from allocators to clients, including how organizations request and receive an audit of DataCap distribution. 

Security: Safeguarding the Filecoin Network

Security by the numbers:

  • 1 week average resolution time for reported bugs 
  • < 1 hour initial response time to all security incidents 
  • $441,950 in bug bounties awarded for 8 valid reports

FF’s security team works to protect the Filecoin network. In 2024, the team strengthened network security by:

  • Coordinating monitoring systems and incident response protocols across projects and teams, enabling decentralized incident response capabilities; 
  • Providing security services and best practices for developers; 
  • Providing discounted access and introductions to qualified security auditors and security service providers specializing in Filecoin; and 
  • Developing new security research tools and testing tooling.

A key milestone was the launch of the Web3 Security Maturity Model, developed by the FF security team, which helps organizations assess and improve their security as they build decentralized technologies.

UXIT: Improving the User Experience and Accessibility Across the Filecoin Ecosystem

User Experience Improvement Team (UXIT) by the numbers: 

  • 17 dogfooding sessions orchestrated 
  • 7 organizations supported across the ecosystem
  • 2 Filecoin storage provider implementations tested on mainnet

In 2024, FF’s UXIT supported teams and organizations building on the network by identifying usability challenges, addressing performance gaps, and providing actionable feedback on accessibility, search engine optimization (SEO), and development best practices. UXIT completed 17 dogfooding sessions for organizations across the ecosystem, helping improve products and platforms. Additionally, UXIT refreshed crucial network documentation, including Fil+,, and Boost docs, ensuring developers and users have up-to-date, reliable resources.

In addition to this support, FF’s UXIT led the website relaunch, revamping its design and improving the user experience based on community-driven user interviews. The relaunch enhanced performance, SEO, and introduced new pages and resources requested by the Filecoin community, including GovHub, Ecosystem Explorer, Fil+ Allocator Registry, Orbit Hub, Events Page, Security Bug Bounty Program, Web3 Security Maturity Model, and the Ecosystem Digest.

Communications and Marketing: Showcasing and Empowering Ecosystem Success

Communications and Marketing by the numbers:

  • 200+ FF newsletters, blog posts, and podcasts published
  • 2,090 FF media mentions in verified news outlets

Lockheed Martin: In early 2024, FF announced the successful completion of a first-of-its-kind mission to deploy the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) in space. The demonstration followed nearly three years of collaboration and involved sending files from Earth to orbit and back using an implementation of the IPFS protocol designed for space communications.

Sharing Stories of Datasets Stored on Filecoin

Each week across its social media and marketing channels, Filecoin Foundation highlights critical datasets stored on the Filecoin network. Some of the stories that FF shared this year include: 

Baseline Project Cape Town: Photographer Roland Albertson helped document nature settings in Cape Town throughout 2023, and through a collaboration with Guardian Project, preserved these images and videos on Filecoin. 

Center for Extreme Data Management Analysis and Visualization (CEDMAV): Through a partnership with Seal Storage, the University of Utah's CEDMAV is preserving scientific research data, including combustion research, simulations, and Earth science and satellite data, on Filecoin. 

ClimateGPT: ClimateGPT stores immutable records of AI model creation and computations related to climate change on Filecoin.  

DocumentCloud: Since 2022, MuckRock has been building a more resilient system to protect more than 11 million public interest documents. Over 750,000 documents have been stored on the Filecoin network via DocumentCloud, including the CIA CREST database.

End of Term Web Archive: The Internet Archive’s Democracy’s Library project has uploaded more than 1 PB of material to the Filecoin network, including information collected from U.S. government websites archived during presidential administration transitions, known as the End of Term Web Archive. 

Ewesion: Ewesion is a large-scale photo and illustration hosting platform storing approximately 1EB of visual data, leveraging Filecoin.

Human Rights Data Analysis Group: A massive dataset about Colombia's 50-year conflict, used by Colombia's Truth Commission and courts for amnesty decisions, is preserved on Filecoin.

Hurricane Otis Relief Documentation: With Guardian Project’s ProofMode app, documentation of damage and relief efforts in Acapulco, Mexico, following Hurricane Otis is uploaded to Filecoin.

Inside Climate News: This group uploaded authenticated photos documenting unprecedented fires in Brazil's tropical wetlands, contrasting with disinformation campaigns, to Filecoin.

Numbers Protocol: Leveraging the Capture App, Numbers Protocol partnered with media organizations in Taiwan to authenticate digital content and metadata in the lead-up to the 2024 Taiwanese election. 

"Meet The Gigabrains" Documentary: The Defiant’s documentary about the future of Web3, filmed during ETHDenver, is uploaded and preserved on Filecoin.

Mom, I See War: The world's largest art collection of children's drawings documenting their first-hand experiences of armed conflict is uploaded to Filecoin via Starling Lab. 

SETI Institute: To preserve any potential extraterrestrial signals, the SETI Institute stores datawith Filecoin.

The DJ and the War Crimes: An interactive media project by Rolling Stone investigating a 1990s Bosnian War case, featuring hundreds of authenticated assets, has been preserved by Starling Lab using cryptographic technologies, including IPFS and Filecoin.

UC Berkeley Underground Physics Group: UC Berkeley Underground Physics Group uploaded neutrino detector research data, supporting the development of novel detection technology to study neutrinos, or 'ghost particles,' that could uncover mysteries of the universe.

Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute: Working with DeStor, the Victor Chang Institute has uploaded 125+ TiB of cardiac research data to Filecoin, including cell images and encrypted machine backups.

WeatherXM: WeatherXM uses Filecoin to safeguard daily raw weather data collected globally through a network of weather stations.

78 Days: From Starling Lab, “78 Days” is verified documentation of the 2020 U.S. presidential transition using authentication technologies and decentralized web protocols.

Design: Building Visual Tools and Resources to Benefit the Ecosystem

Design by the numbers: 

  • 619 creative tickets completed
  • 226 pieces of video and podcast content produced

Building Open Design Tools

Filecoin Foundation’s design team prioritizes open design systems that empower the ecosystem to maintain a cohesive and polished presence. 

FIL City Design System: The FF design team supported community-run events like FIL Hong Kong and FIL Bangalore with accessible open design systems and branding tools. 

Orbit Branding Tools: The design team expanded and refined design resources available for Orbit Ambassadors through a rebrand and reusable Figma tools. 

Content Production Toolkits: FF delivered comprehensive guides and templates for podcast and video production, empowering ecosystem contributors to share their own stories with high production value.

Swag Store Expansion: The design team expanded FF and Filecoin ecosystem merchandise offerings, making branded materials available at cost to contributors and community events worldwide. 

Enhancing Ecosystem Resources

FF’s design team has been integral in elevating the visual and experiential quality of ecosystem content. 

Design Support: In addition to event-specific branding, FF supported ecosystem design needs by creating logos, developing marketing sites for announcements, and connecting members with additional design resources.

FF Website: The design team supported FF’s UXIT in the redesign of, helping introduce valuable new ecosystem tools, such as the Ecosystem Explorer and Filecoin Ecosystem Digest, and making new information more accessible throughout the site.

DWeb Decoded: FF’s design team produced over 50 episodes of the DWeb Decoded podcast, giving a voice to many members of the ecosystem. These are available on IPFS, Spotify, and YouTube.

Content Production: The design team livestreamed FF events and produced over 100 videos, including highlights, interviews, and educational content, broadening the reach and influence of the Filecoin ecosystem’s activities. 

Events: Gathering the Global Filecoin Community

Events by the numbers: 

  • Over 11,000 attendees welcomed across FF-hosted and/or supported events, generating 1,280 leads for the broader Filecoin ecosystem
  • 840,000 combined livestream views of FIL Brussels and FIL Bangkok, showcasing the most important announcements from the Filecoin ecosystem
  • 4 FIL City events hosted by Filecoin Foundation

Filecoin events and meetups connect ecosystem contributors with new audiences and help chart the future of the network. Together, community members can learn, build, and be inspired.

FIL City Events

FIL Hong Kong

More than 600 developers, storage providers, clients, and ecosystem partners came together for two days of talks focused on Web3 trends, decentralized storage, DePIN, and more.

FIL Brussels

FF showcased the Filecoin network’s value as the DePIN backbone for advancements in AI by announcing six prominent collaborations on the main stage. 

FIL Singapore

At FIL Singapore, hosted by MetaPals and supported by FF, Aethir announced a collaboration with FF to help power the Filecoin network by securely storing AI and node data with advanced GPU leasing.

FIL Bangkok

Ecosystem teams unveiled new L2 data storage solutions, signaling a new era of what’s possible with Filecoin. Akave, a decentralized, modular L2 solution offering cutting-edge encryption, announced the launch of its Yucca testnet. Storacha, a high-performance decentralized storage solution built with Filecoin, launched its closed alpha network tailored for gaming, AI, and DePIN networks. 

More Events Organized and Supported by FF

FIL Dev Summit 5 - Bangkok, Thailand

FIL Dev Summit convened 200 developers, builders, storage providers, and community members to shape the future of Filecoin. Spanning 14 tracks, FDS focused on designing protocol improvements, showcasing tools, and solving key challenges. 

Filecoin Hacker House - Chiang Mai, Thailand

The first-ever Filecoin Hacker House in Chiang Mai, Thailand, brought together 68 builders, developers, and innovators for an immersive experience. Hosted by FilOz, Polaris, FIL-B, and Filecoin Foundation, the Hacker House was an opportunity to strengthen community bonds, resolve pain points, and align on future roadmaps for decentralized technology.

Filecoin Uncharted - Utah, USA

This high-impact, high-touch event brought together 70 leaders in Web3, AI, and decentralization to chart the future of the internet and explore the benefits of Filecoin’s decentralized storage.

FF Sponsored Events

Filecoin Foundation sponsored more than a dozen events in 2024 to build brand awareness and engage new audiences. Some events included ETH Denver, Consensus, EthCC, DWeb Camp, and Funding the Commons. 

Filecoin Orbit Community Program

Filecoin Orbit is a global community of 79 Orbit Ambassadors that organizes events and meetups to increase awareness and adoption of Filecoin. The program brings communities together to share ideas and collaborate. In 2024, Orbit Ambassadors hosted 136 orbit events in 21 countries, from Argentina and Kenya to Poland and India. 

Regulatory and Policy: Protecting the Filecoin Ecosystem

Policy by the numbers:

  • 321 policymakers engaged with FF to learn about Filecoin

Filecoin Foundation’s regulatory and policy efforts helped to protect the Filecoin ecosystem during a year of regulatory headwinds. This past year, cryptocurrency networks faced unprecedented regulatory challenges in the U.S. and abroad. FF engaged with policymakers around the world to ensure that legislators see Filecoin as an important and legitimate use case with many real-world applications. As just one example of the importance of this work, in 2024, policymakers in the U.S. drafted groundbreaking legislation (the so-called “market structure bill”) that could protect cryptocurrency networks from regulatory overreach. Through its policy work, FF was able to ensure that the language in the bill would be positive for the Filecoin ecosystem, setting the stage for a more favorable regulatory environment in the future. 

2024 Spend

Filecoin Foundation spending for fiscal year 2024.

Ecosystem Grants - General & Support$6,590,7391,132,512
Ecosystem Grants - Network Metrics$1,600,000225,000
Ecosystem Grants - FVM-Related$482,3250
Data Onboarding, Storage Provider, and Enterprise Programs & Grants$1,686,592132,734
Token Holder-Related Grants and Research$247,5000
Use Case Grants and Support$434,78792,344
Solutions Architecture$397,75120,789
Developer Relations$880,59158,265
User Experience Improvement$527,3894,752
Protocol Implementation Grants$2,712,1700
Network Security (Including Bug Bounties and Network Audits)$1,420,932123,232
Network Governance$531,17448,182
Filecoin Plus Grants and Support$923,37966,161
Network Tooling Grants$720,00019,533
Events, Comms, Marketing, and Design$11,209,167424,131
Regulatory and Policy$1,165,33137,811
Enablement (Legal, Finance, HR, IT, etc.)$3,797,274608,156
Other Operating Expenses (Insurance, Taxes, etc.)$4,243,95413,585
Cross-Functional Personnel$832,582416,451

2025 Vision and Strategic Priorities

As we look ahead to 2025, we want to offer a closer look at Filecoin Foundation’s vision and strategic priorities. In 2025, FF’s top objective is to mobilize the Filecoin community to make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product-market fit.

Filecoin Foundation’s Strategic Priorities in 2025

To pursue this goal of making Filecoin work seamlessly and finding product-market fit, FF has outlined the following strategic priorities that will be our laser focus for 2025:

  1. Wage a war on pain points; drive a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and achieve product-market fit
  2. Shift from a “launching” culture to an “iterating” culture, emphasizing quality, polish, and stability
  3. Support open source data onboarding tools, with an eye toward stability
  4. Keep the community excited through high-profile and high-quality integrations and partnerships (including platform integrations and AI partnerships)
  5. Support storage providers in finding profitable business models and boosting paid storage deals, including through supporting a deal pipeline
  6. Increase onchain activity dramatically
  7. Shift towards FF playing a larger role in coordinating and convening across the ecosystem, getting the right people in the room talking about the right thing at the right time
  8. Shift towards FF playing a larger role in coordinating ecosystem participants around ecosystem-wide communications

FF can’t achieve the objective of making Filecoin work seamlessly and finding product-market fit alone; rather, our strategic priorities are about bringing the Filecoin community together and supporting the community in accomplishing these objectives collectively.

Measuring Progress: 2025 Objectives and Key Results

To measure the ecosystem’s progress toward our primary objective of making Filecoin work seamlessly and achieving product-market fit, FF has a new set of ecosystem-facing Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for 2025.

We hope that by setting ambitious, clear, and measurable targets, we can track the ecosystem’s progress, find and fix roadblocks, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate ecosystem successes along the way.

Here's how we're measuring our ecosystem progress in 2025:

Objective: Make Filecoin work seamlessly and find product market fit

  • Key Result (KR) 1: Network storage utilized increases by 5 PiB per day Strategic priority this relates to: Support open source data onboarding tools, with an eye toward stability
  • KR2: 75% of onchain deals are renewed before expiring Strategic priority this relates to: Wage a war on pain points; drive a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and achieve product-market fit
  • KR3: The number of paid deals grows 25% QoQ Strategic priority this relates to: Support storage providers in finding profitable business models and boosting paid storage deals, including through supporting a deal pipeline
  • KR4: At least half of the top pain points (identified and prioritized through a process that involves ecosystem stakeholder input) are addressed Strategic priority this relates to: Wage a war on pain points; drive a process to align the community on the most important actions to take to make Filecoin work seamlessly and achieve product-market fit
  • KR5: At least 25% of funding is allocated to iterations or ongoing maintenance of previous projects rather than new projects Strategic priority this relates to: Shift from a “launching” culture to an “iterating” culture, emphasizing quality, polish, and stability
  • KR6: Land and promote at least 12 new major partnerships, resulting in at least two media hits in top-tier crypto outlets (with positive sentiment) per collaboration and at least 3 mainstream media placements Strategic priority this relates to: Keep the community excited through high-profile and high-quality integrations and partnerships (including platform integrations and AI partnerships)
  • KR7: Onchain activity increases by 25% QoQ Strategic priority this relates to: Increase onchain activity dramatically

2025 Budget

FF is looking forward to supporting the community in 2025, and we have designed FF’s budget to support these objectives, key results, and strategic priorities. Here is a look into FF’s planned budget for its 2025 fiscal year (subject to change):

Ecosystem Grants - General & Support
Strategic priorities 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
Ecosystem Grants - Network Metrics
Strategic priorities 1 and 2
Ecosystem Grants - FVM-Related
Strategic priorities 1 and 2
Data Onboarding, Storage Provider, and Enterprise Programs & Grants
Strategic priorities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Token Holder-Related Grants and Research
Strategic priorities 1 and 2
Use Case Grants and Support
Strategic priorities 3 and 4
Solutions Architecture
Strategic priorities 1, 2, and 3
Developer Relations
Strategic priorities 1 and 2
User Experience Improvement
Strategic priorities 1 and 2
Protocol Implementation Grants
Strategic priorities 1 and 2
Network Security (Including Bug Bounties and Network Audits)
Strategic priorities 1, 2, 7, and 8
Network Governance
Strategic priorities 1, 7, and 8
Filecoin Plus Grants and Support
Strategic priorities 3 and 7
Network Infrastructure Grants
Strategic priorities 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6
Network Tooling Grants
Strategic priorities 1, 2, 3, and 5
Events, Comms, Marketing, and Design
Strategic priorities 7 and 8
Regulatory and Policy
Strategic priority 8
Enablement (Legal, Finance, HR, IT, etc.)$3,757,148545,813
Other Operating Expenses (Insurance, Taxes, etc.)$4,609,72371,579
Cross-Functional Personnel$762,087409,995

Learn More About Filecoin Foundation

To learn more about FF, visit 

If you have questions or are interested in collaborating, don’t hesitate to reach out to the FF team — we’re here to support the ecosystem and look forward to hearing from you. 





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